Posted in Sing Praises to the Lord

I Have Seen Him

Have you? Do you know Him, love Him, live for Him, serve Him? If not then why, what are you waiting for? Even Abraham of old knew Him, loved and served Him, as did that wretched thief that hung beside Him at Calvary! And that glorious day when Jesus died for us, paid the debt for our sins and theirs they saw Him in paradise! Imagine the joy Abraham felt when that thief arrived nearly bursting with praise and excitement proclaiming that he had seen Him! He saw Him and we can too one day if we put our faith in Him, accepting the gift of salvation He offers us through His glorious grace!

Posted in Sing Praises to the Lord, Uncategorized

Sometimes I can feel the Devil trying to keep me from God, trying to drag me back into sin, ruin my walk and testimony.   At those moments I grab a Bible, turn on some spirit filled music, bow my head in prayer then look up and say “Not today Devil!”  I look to my God and Savior and rest secure knowing that God created Satan and one day he’s gonna send ole Slewfoot to hell where he belongs, I’ve read the end of the book – We Win!

Here’s a few of the songs I play to keep my eyes and heart focused on the Lord.



Posted in Sing Praises to the Lord

The Struggle Is Real

Today was my weekly women’s bible study and let me tell you the whole time it was as if ole Slewfoot was trying to hinder our time together.  From making each activity take longer than it should have to a spirit of darkness and dare I say evil working in one of the ladies to the point that things got really weird and awkward really fast.  I won’t go into details but today’s study time had us fighting the Deceiver the entire day.  Of course God would never allow that to be the crowning moments of the day so as the evening wore on He showed up in ever greater and more magnificent ways, from simple moments of understanding and insight to answers to heart prayers and cries to the rebuking of a sister who was out of line.  It was a day that drove home the meaning of this song.